Grant seekers can check on notices of funding availability posted in the last 7 days; sign up to receive e-mail notification of future grant opportunities; and apply for Federal grants online through a unified process.
Additions to the system are made when local organizations apply to MDOT through a two-stage process.
Individual trial judges have tried such methods as resolving large numbers of cases by sending a few of them to trial and applying the results to the others through a process of statistical sampling.
Accreditation of an institution by the New England Association indicates that it meets or exceeds criteria for the assessment of institutional quality periodically applied through a peer group review process.
Grantseekers can check on notices of funding availability (NOFAs) posted in the last 7 days; access RSS feeds of grant opportunities; and apply for federal grants through a unified process by downloading the application and submitting online.
As a back-up recommendation, the committee proposed that Congress authorize consolidation by taking the results of jury deliberations in some cases and applying them to others through a process of statistical sampling.
Minx Nail coatings are available in graphics, designs and metallic finishes, and can be applied to natural or artificial nails through a process using heat and pressure.
Grantseekers can check on notices of funding availability (NOFA) posted in the last 7 days; sign up to receive e-mail notification of grant opportunities; and apply for federal grants through a unified process by downloading the application and submitting online.
As a "backup" position, the committee urged Congress to give judges authority to consolidate cases by taking the results of jury deliberations in a few trials and applying them to many others through a process of statistical sampling.
These figures were to be applied on to the background scene through a process called chromolithography, accomplished by rubbing the back of the transparent sheet with a soft pencil.