Lautreamont's phrase "poetry must be made by all" comes from another time and place, but it applies here to the fullest extent.
The reduced rate only applies to the extent that the supply is grant-funded (see paragraph 3.9).
Where there is a conflict, the local terms will apply to the extent of the conflict.
In such cases the technical requirements of the chosen standard should be applied to the extent possible.
Other provisions set forth in this part shall also apply to the extent they are not inconsistent with this section.
The $6,000 could only be applied here to the extent of canceling out the roughly $4,500 that would be owed on $100,000 in Connecticut income.
However, exemption only applies to the extent that the grant is made for a consideration in the form of a premium.
Compulsory purchase only applies to the extent that it is necessary for the purchaser's purposes.
But Mr. Bush added that this instruction applied only "to the extent appropriate and consistent with military necessity."
The same requirements should apply to air carriers of third countries to the extent that they operate flights within the EU.