AGMs can be used to appoint directors and auditors and allow shareholders to ask board members questions.
Dormant companies that do not want to appoint auditors are now able to use the written resolution procedure (p 95).
He said that Gruntal had also hired independent consultants and indepedently appointed auditors to review operations.
Directors can only appoint auditors in exceptional circumstances (perhaps to fill a casual vacancy during the year).
A dormant company may pass a special resolution not to appoint auditors.
It appoints auditors whose powers have been extended significantly.
Appoint auditors and determine their pay 6.
A firm, such as a firm of accountants that has been appointed auditors to a company, can be an expert: see 3.4.
Ultimately that should mean a system where we appoint proper, qualified auditors to the Court.
Instead of appointing and paying auditors, corporations should be able to buy financial-statement insurance.