Spanish officials appointed religious authorities in Mexico and even had ability to reject papal bulls there.
She is the only statewide elected official, and she appoints all the judges, authorities and commissions.
The Bahamas government attempted to appoint judicial authorities for the Turks in 1768, but these were refused by the Bermudians.
For a discussion of the potential liability of appointing authorities for appointing unqualified experts, see 9.6.
There are some precedents of expert clauses in circulation naming certain bodies as appointing authorities which do not undertake that function.
Veterans appointing authorities can bring qualified Veterans to the fore and speed the selection process.
Funes, who was close to Saavedra, argued that Buenos Aires had no right to appoint national authorities by itself and expect obedience from the provinces.
Governments may appoint competent authorities to issue ICC on their behalf.
The Member States are to be urged to take the necessary precautions by appointing authorities to which the Commission may have recourse.
You may also be eligible to apply to positions under special veterans appointing authorities.