Hybart is an antiquarian who was appointed custodian of the Graydon art collection.
In 1141 the new earl was also appointed custodian of the Tower of London by Empress Matilda.
In 1823 he was appointed custodian of the university library at Breslau, a post which he held till 1838.
He received his education at the Benedictine monastery of Niederaltaich, where he afterwards made his vows and was appointed custodian of the church.
After Baron George Rosenthal presented his collection to the Amsterdam Library, Roest was appointed custodian of it.
He was then appointed custodian of the Numismatical Museum of Modena, and received a position in the City Library, of which he became librarian in 1847.
Gerswin was appointed official custodian.
He was also appointed custodian of the Musée de peintures et des décors de théâtre.
However, in 1173 he had been appointed Sheriff of Lancashire and custodian of the honour of Richmond.
Thus experts recommend that a spouse be appointed custodian instead.