Apart from their military and ecclesiastical duties, members will be elected ambassadors of the Community, or be appointed notaries, elders, superintendents or constables, as well as teachers and medical doctors.
Since no truly apostolic authority exists to appoint elders the church has none.
When he travelled back to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch after his church planting journey, he was concerned to strengthen the disciples by appointing elders in each church (Acts 14:23).
The final consequence of all this activity is: new churches for which they appoint elders with prayer and fasting before returning to Antioch (Acts 14:23).
They began holding their own services in Warner Park calling it "Critical Mass", appointing elders and baptizing people outside of any denominational authority.
The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.
"Who appoints elders?"
Branch offices appoint local elders and ministerial servants, and may appoint regional committees for matters such as Kingdom Hall construction or disaster relief.
Workers organize and assign members to the home meetings, appoint elders, and decide controversies among members.
The Malankara Church believes that St. Thomas appointed elders at every place he preached to lead the believers.