Tell her she's been appointed commissary steward for the town's jail.
In 1949 Milton was appointed chief steward for the Indianapolis 500.
He was appointed Steward of Norway in 1656, and assumed this position until 1661.
He was appointed chief steward of Oxford in Feb 1564 until 1592.
He was elected a Fellow of his college in October 1723, and about the same time was appointed steward.
The same year he was appointed steward, and the following year recorder of the city of Norwich.
He was later appointed High Steward of Cambridge University in 1863.
In 1803, he was appointed steward of Norwich, where he acted as city counsel and presided over the sheriff's court.
In March 1538 he was appointed tutor and steward of the household to Prince Edward.
He was appointed steward of manors belonging to the Tewkesbury Abbey in 1526.