He would later be appointed head coach after the season's end.
He was appointed to the role for a 5 year term on 14 June 2006 after a long military career.
A year later he was appointed to the position after the man who had defeated him died.
He was appointed athletic director after the 1959-60 season, then became a vice president for development in 1974.
They were appointed on Sept. 1, 1944, after six weeks of secret training.
It does not include senators appointed after January 31, 2009.
A federal monitor and a new management team were appointed in 2004 after a series of scandals.
Appointed in 1365 after the position of Prior had been vacant for several years.
Most of his successors were appointed in the same way after agreement with the king.
Appoint the director of the board after open competition and a parliamentary hearing.