In the present case," he said, "the child has indicated that he has had some differences of opinion with his appointed counsel.
Without specifying, the letter mentioned "problems and difficulties I have had with my appointed counsel in the past."
Edwards proceeded to trial with appointed counsel, and was convicted of the attempted murder and battery charges.
The judge urged Mr. Pellicano to accept appointed counsel, but said she would stop him from representing himself only if his behavior became a problem.
Rothgery had no money for a lawyer and made several unheeded oral and written requests for appointed counsel.
In this period (until 1945), the state legislature is closed and replaced by appointed counsel.
In Michigan, however, some poor defendants are denied appointed counsel at a critical stage: when they want to challenge the sentence imposed on them.
Stockham stated, "I reject my appointed counsel.
This sounds like he is suggesting the appointed counsel are inexperienced in IP law.
Instead, they have to rely on appointed counsel, many of whom are inexperienced in this area of the law.