When the borough was created in 1900, a committee was appointed to design a coat of arms.
In 1908, William Weeks was appointed to design a new school building.
The architect appointed to design the church was John Bolger.
In June 2002, after a tender process, a contractor was appointed to design and construct the facility on a fast track basis.
They also say they will need more time to review the report of the steering committee that the governor appointed to design the new system.
In 1854, a committee was appointed to design a new emblem for the society.
Commissioners appointed to design the town began to accept "subscriptions" for numbered lots.
After a few sample entries were written, an advisory board was appointed to design the format of the entire series.
In March 1959 Wright was appointed to design the post office.
After a competition, Richard Sheppard was appointed to design the new college.