This appointment generated outrage at court, where it was felt Gabrielle's social status was insufficient for a post of that magnitude.
His appointment generated a degree of controversy, with the Opposition claiming that he had not been recommended for the position by the selection panel.
Mr. Crispino's appointment, more than any other by the Council, has generated comment, most of it negative.
The appointment of the two lawyers generated intense speculation about their strategems.
The appointment generated some controversy, with some university staff having supported Rajesh Chandra for the post.
These appointments generated a severe backlash across the spectrum.
During Kelly's term in office, his political views and several appointments generated controversy.
"From the political point of view, such an ostentatious appointment can generate doubts about the intentions and the further direction of Polish reform."
(This may be why judicial appointments generate more and more controversy.)
Throughout the nation's history, appointments to judicial posts below the Supreme Court have generated little controversy.