It is in this light that the appointment of Argentina's Jose Pekerman to coach the national team looks so positive.
When his appointment did not look like it would be renewed, he appealed to Robert S. Woodward, president of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, for patronage.
They see that appointment as an insult to their country and they're looking for ammunition to support their cause.
To critics like Mr. Wertheimer or the Center for Responsive Politics, Mr. Clinton's ambassadorial appointments look like business as usual.
The mufti said that the only reason he is not a government minister is that the current regime snubbed him out of fear as to how his appointment would look.
To that end, we have today announced the appointment of a new senior management team, who come with extensive financial and commercial experience and I look forward to working together with them to grow the business.
His appointment to the governorship of Nigeria in 1948 looked like the triumph of his career.
His appointment looked and sounded good, but it was practically legalized banishment.
Its interior appointments, which didn't set any standards even in 1997, when the current Prelude made its debut, are looking dated and a bit dowdy.
It was widely believed he was not made First Sea Lord because his wife was Prime Minister Clement Attlee's sister-in-law and Attlee felt such an appointment could look like nepotism.