Servants were beating the brush, while others, in the background, jabbed sudden shots whenever they saw leafy branches stir at an appreciable distance from the beaters.
In order to prevent the ravens from flying away, their flight feathers are trimmed, so that they cannot fly in a straight line for any appreciable distance.
Without warp drive, we are unable to travel an appreciable distance from our point of transmission.
Pupils may still have to travel appreciable distances in order to attend unit or resource provision.
The announcement was a setback for the 27-year-old Martin, who has a circulatory disorder in his right leg that makes it painful and difficult to walk any appreciable distance.
The only reason for a backswing is to take the club far enough to gather sufficient speed to hit the ball an appreciable distance.
Bolan raced the station wagon away from the wooden structure and was quickly within view of the closed hangar, which was still an appreciable distance away.
The equations ignore air resistance, which has a dramatic effect on objects falling an appreciable distance in air, causing them to quickly approach a terminal velocity.
Neither government would have allowed any craft belonging to its rival, capable of spouting nuclear fire, any appreciable distance into its territory.
Will the information in this proposed article come within appreciable distance of being accurate?