Those working part time for economic reasons, the partly unemployed, remained at about 6.2 million - another category showing no appreciable improvement for two years.
'While it is too soon to be certain that there will be an appreciable improvement in the UK economy this year, the early signs are encouraging,' said the board.
Maurice, however, required his soldiers to do the digging, which caused an appreciable improvement in the quality of the work.
"Clearly, an appreciable improvement in the consumer's spirits is a prerequisite for economic recovery," said Fabian Linden, the survey director.
Others report no appreciable improvement.
"A good number of schools do make appreciable improvements right off the bat," he said.
Why is it that, despite such large financial contributions to the less developed regions, there has been no appreciable improvement in their relative economic performance?
It was hoped that the merger would provide the basis for improvement of the quality of DiscoVision pressings, but no appreciable improvement ever took hold.
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In fact, history shows that without economic growth, there are no appreciable environmental improvements.