Does, then, rain condense in some appreciable quantity out of the lowest level?
When antimatter comes in contact with any appreciable quantity of matter under uncontrolled conditions, there is a disrupting.
An appreciable quantity of spores were able to survive the same period even in monolayers.
In addition, all are toxic to life if they accumulate in any appreciable quantity.
He was halfway there before the brush fuse burned to produce an appreciable quantity of smoke.
Plutonium is a synthetic element not found in nature in appreciable quantities.
It would not escape to space in appreciable quantities, and so combination with surface materials provides the only repository.
We haven't taken on any appreciable quantity of water.
The only source of supply was the enemy; for it was not until 1944 that British supplies began to arrive in appreciable quantities.
Uruguay has neither coal nor petroleum in appreciable quantities.