In all this the two apprentice magicians found nothing overtly alarming.
A few moments later, the apprentice magician was forced to blink and look away.
The truth was that the apprentice magician, having now caught up with the Sword he had been pursuing, was having trouble trying to decide what to do next.
Two hundred years earlier, Hype's statue appears in the courtyard of an apprentice magician: Gogoud.
Kia - An apprentice magician who takes Leos' place in the party for their second adventure.
"You mean an apprentice magician keeps trying to kill his teacher?"
Kari: A young, bubbly apprentice magician who loves to eat fried octopus.
The young man is an apprentice magician.
Peter Ingham on lawyers turned into chickens, parallel universes and apprentice magicians: it's the latest clutch of science fiction novels.
There are a lot of teaching tales for young apprentice magicians that tell of attempts to peek and what happened afterwards.