She was stooping over like older women did when they approached younger children, her voice too kindly.
Demian smiled at her and she came up to us as a mother approaches frightened children.
Her field of vision was filled with approaching men, women, and, surprisingly, children, none of whom seemed anything less than in full fury.
As the agents approached children crossing at a cross walk, they attempted to slow down, but their brakes failed.
Many times she appeared looking like an old village woman and approached children, who trusted her as one of their older village members.
Its 30 pages detail the effects of a variety of drugs and offer suggestions on ways to approach children about them.
Of these, a number were involved in prostitution or had approached children, or otherwise gone beyond merely having homosexual relations.
Take special care when approaching them, particularly elderly, disabled or blind people and young children.
They suggest approaching the average and below-average children through mime, dance and personal composition.
Teaching children is first, but the program also instructs parents and teachers on how to approach children with a digital camera.