The approach suggested by Rose (1989, 2004) integrates cognitive and behavioral interventions with small group strategies.
This holistic approach will further integrate the student into the interrelated web of action and consequence within the field.
This approach integrates mental, physical and spiritual dimensions of health.
In addition, this approach fully integrates the initiative into the future health and development plans of partner countries.
The new approach integrates these services in a more commodious setting.
Our approach in research and teaching is proceeding systematically and integrating sustainability right from the start.
It cited the successes of educational programs that use interdisciplinary approaches to study broad areas and integrate various disciplines rather than narrowly focused ones.
This approach integrated the foundations of medical, psychodynamic, developmental, and family systems to focus on the overall health of patients.
The bill calls for a "multi-dimensional approach" integrates a component of family planning and responsible parenthood into all government anti-poverty programs.
Modern stock assessment methods use statistical approaches to "integrate" multiple sources of information to estimate management quantities and their associated uncertainty.