At the time we're talking about, the last cold period of the Ice Age was approaching its peak.
A fifth of a mile away, just below the windows of this room, the evening rush hour would be approaching its peak.
And the new-issue backlog is only about $13 billion at a time when we should be approaching our seasonal peak.
Between the late 18th century and late 19th century the design approached its peak.
It cost Ali three and half years just as he was approaching his peak.
As the market approaches its previous peak, many investors are on edge.
Slaney, as a middle-distance runner, talks about approaching her peak even now.
The season, now approaching its peak, generally ends by mid-September.
Just when it seemed to be approaching its traumatic peak, the whole affair was suddenly dropped and apparently forgotten.
But a number of trains were stranded between stations just as the evening rush was approaching its peak.