That question was raised in this space on July 4 - which seemed an appropriate date.
Mr. Seabrooke has invited each of you to suggest an appropriate date.
The shoes placed before him were tagged with the individual's names, birth date and if appropriate their date of death.
They also said that Sept. 19 would be a more appropriate date for the event.
Lewis wrote that it would be "an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and, if necessary, of the world."
At the time it was thought that 2008, being the 150th anniversary of the game, was the appropriate date.
Pleiades are used to determine appropriate dates for various field works, or to measure time by night.
After checking his notebook, he gave the appropriate date of birth.
I believe it best, therefore, to leave this detail until the actual adoption of the common position and to set appropriate dates at that point.
I'm going to have a long session tonight to try to prepare for the summit at the appropriate date in Vancouver.