By the time she had reached him, he had picked out the appropriate grade of stone and put some oil on it.
A clear objective was sharpening Shabana's focus: an imminent exam that would place each student in the appropriate grade.
Passengers who want to eat in a particular restaurant must book a cabin in the appropriate grade.
With appropriate grades, they could come off the ineligible list.
Every person, whatever his grade in the Order, has also a "natural" grade appropriate to his intrinsic virtue.
One difficulty educators have encountered with this new student body is placing each student in the appropriate grade.
The recorder would compare the street with photographs of others to determine its appropriate grade.
The core areas are the ranges of points which define the grades, with any post falling within a grey area being assigned the appropriate grade.
Children that are home schooled and decide to change to public or private schools usually will need to test into their appropriate grade.
It was thought too difficult for students since it failed to meet grade appropriate "readability formulas."