Readers will need to choose an appropriate limit for their environment and perform checks as necessary.
As the earlier cases did, this one also poses profound questions about the appropriate limits of parental decision-making and medical intervention.
You may take it as a fact, however, that all that data is accurate to within the appropriate limits of error.
Usually, dimension is defined based on the scaling exponent of some property in the appropriate limit.
But "we must retain appropriate limits on the businesses in which local telephone companies can engage.
We need to reclaim our lives by putting limits on technology - appropriate limits.
It is imperative that the worker maintain appropriate and adequate limits of approach to any part at a different potential.
However, there are boundaries to everything, and there are healthy or appropriate limits.
The problem of establishing the appropriate limits of social maternalism remained.
The primary argument is over the appropriate limit, or threshold, beyond which a personal-injury lawsuit can be filed.