The nickname of the school - "The Statesmen" - appropriately reflects his life and contributions.
Similar reviews in the past have rejected redistricting plans that Federal lawyers said did not appropriately reflect minority voting strength.
This in turn does not appropriately reflect the Yield to Maturity of the underlying asset as it approaches par value at maturity.
In order to protect taxpayers, guarantees should be priced in a way that appropriately reflects the underlying risk assumed by the government.
Mr. Thompson said some disparity was justified, because "higher penalties for crack offenses appropriately reflect the greater harm posed by crack cocaine."
If these experiments appropriately reflect individuals' preferences outside of the laboratory, these results appear to demonstrate that either:
Recommendation: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should develop a new refund timeliness measure and goal to more appropriately reflect current capabilities.
It is therefore in my view appropriately reflected in the recitals of the current text.
The Commission services are pursuing a solution for covered bonds which appropriately reflects the risk of these instruments.
Given their role in the nation's future-e.g. in the workforce, military, etc.-they argue that the current state of health care access does not appropriately reflect national interest.