Here are some examples, with an approximate indication of how each consonant is pronounced, intended for English native speakers.
The short definitions above are only an approximate indication of the actual usage.
An approximate indication of cost can be given over the phone on receipt of a few basic facts.
When the Clos network was first devised, the number of crosspoints was a reasonable approximate indication of the total cost of the switching system.
Consequently all predictions of the number of future cases of a disease which are based upon prevalence rates will provide only approximate indications of future demands.
The carbon residue value is considered by some to give an approximate indication of the combustibility and deposit forming tendencies of the fuel.
The sun indicator or hand gives an approximate indication of both the sun's azimuth and altitude.
Having built its model, the company then made rough calculations of costs and an approximate indication of their causes.
This quiz gives you an approximate indication of your knowledge.
Option 2 is to obtain an approximate indication of the edges of the rectangular area viewed by the camera.