The approximate meaning is "Cultural jewel".
The name 'Kaikki' is a Finnish word with approximate meaning of 'everything, or all'.
The word "butter" is believed to be derived from the Greek word bou-tyron, the approximate meaning of which is "cow cheese".
However, in the recent years, the Syriac origin was commonly adopted and gives the approximate meaning of the treasure of life.
The approximate English meaning is 'low level sweep'.
This historical use is reflected in its specific Latin/Greek name, the approximate meaning of which is "against fire".
The approximate meaning of this word is:
The same approximate meaning is used across the Finnic languages such as in Estonian leil.
However, the subsequent exchange between yourself and the captain has, I believe, enabled me to deduce the approximate meaning.
It seeps in through the gaps, pauses, arbitrary transitions, approximate meanings, false starts, and boring bits of all description.