In addition, air is a mixture of N2, O2, others in approximate proportions 80/21/1.
States are represented in the House of Representatives in approximate proportion to their populations, with every state guaranteed at least one seat.
This construction reduces the thermostat response time in approximate proportion to the distance to the griddle surface.
This is their order of legal importance, with approximate proportions of occurrence and examples:
In 1982, for example, the approximate proportion was 53 percent for industry compared with 18 percent for agriculture.
The table shows the expected progenitor for the main types of core collapse supernova, and the approximate proportions of each in the local neighbourhood.
The approximate proportion of foreign students in the Academy is 30 percent.
The classifications, and their definitions, together with their approximate proportions in the UK population, are as follows:
He also knows, from trade statistics, the approximate proportions of each loaf type purchased by housewives in each socioeconomic category.
Over 2000 engines were built up to and including the 1990s, from components sourced in all three countries in approximate proportion to their Governmental support.