The high explosive in a depth charge undergoes a rapid chemical reaction at an approximate rate of 8,000 meters per second (25,000 ft/s).
The missions are released at an approximate rate of one every week when the site is updated.
Given that situation, it seems bizarre to criticize a budget that "only" increases discretionary spending by the approximate rate of inflation.
The book indicates the approximate rate of $350-400 a month per student. '
The federal government provides matching funds for federal highway improvements at an approximate rate of 80 cents for every 20 cents collected by the state.
Perim called out the approximate rate of four meters a second.
Measurements show that the two plates are moving at an approximate rate of only 1.4 inches a year along most of the San Andreas.
The point mutations are at approximately 1-2 Mb interval and occur at an approximate rate of 1 per 700 gametes.
The mean return, however, was 2.2 times investment in 3.6 years and an approximate internal rate of return of 22 per cent gross.
Using the resulting date and the elevation above its current level, an approximate average rate of downcutting can be determined.