Blue eyes under blond hair, a head the approximate shape of a sugar cube and a vacuous smile.
Doll sat down on it and looked up at me and moved his mouth into the approximate shape of a smile.
Just tell me whether it's boys or girls, and how many of each, with approximate shapes and sizes.
The skater travels the approximate shape of a straight line.
The approximate shape should be serpentine (shaped like an S).
From the connectivity, it is often possible to deduce the approximate shape of the molecule.
The shapes take their names from the approximate shape economic data make in graphs during recessions.
Recently, soft, thin straw hats with the approximate shape of a boater have been in fashion among women.
As he well knew, it was in the approximate shape of a tetrahedron, tilted so that one face was almost vertical.
Dig a hole of the approximate shape, checking depths with a rule.