Again, hard to think of a truly apt prior example.
That's a very apt example, Peter.
The dialogue between Mrs. Sarti and Galileo in scene 3 is an apt example.
William & Mary, which was the first college in the nation to establish an honor code, was an especially apt example of what had gone wrong in collegiate athletics.
And in apt example of the tug and pull on today's library, Mansueto has a lab for both digitization and conservation.
A more apt example might be Hollywood's own "Raging Bull."
It is an apt example for people in the government machine who, according to Roith, have a great part to play in sowing the seeds of industrial success.
Nigeria's postcolonial experience is perhaps the most apt example of the politics of the belly.
The Commission has used an apt example to illustrate that this is clearly not the case.
The song "Ghost Love Score" is an apt example of the combined work done by the orchestra and Nightwish, which the name hints at.