Then, searching for an apt expression for an unexpected, almost unnamable emotion, a few people quietly clapped their hands.
The stage is set for the play to resume because the movement for freedom and democracy, in McWhorter's apt expression, "gives America meaning."
One of these robots had blown his top (apt expression, reflected Bond).
(It's an apt expression, I think, considering that the burglars took something more internal than the stereo and Grandmother's gold watch.)
Equally important is the band's mortal imperfection, which provides an apt expression of personal angst in the computer age.
"You chose a pretty apt expression, Stan," Rudy said.
She developed the crucial nuances in singing songs with apt expressions and modulations through her extensive training during these days.
This is an interesting formal move, and an apt expression of the narrator's - indeed the second generation's - quandary.
Sometimes the commissioner could produce very apt expressions.
But it is an apt expression of the sort of frustration Westerners feel when trying to untangle Afghan politics.