Is furniture that goes better with Gray's Anatomy than TV Guide an apt reflection of this era?
That may not mirror life as we know it, but it's an apt reflection of certain attitudes that prevail in current movies.
While no formula is perfectly revealing, the printouts seem apt reflections of a man whose respect among peers is conveyed by his nickname: Sir Charles.
That's an apt reflection of a wonderful fielding performance from Leicestershire tonight.
The wall seemed an apt reflection of his state of mind.
He watched them, bent over their microscopes, and he turned to the window, staring out at the cloudy skies, so apt a reflection of his temper.
The program the company will present at the Joyce is an apt reflection of this approach.
The guards at the north gate seemed an apt reflection of Mirabar's dour attitude.
The company's cars are an apt reflection of its deeper business woes.