But the growth in the $600 million aquaculture industry is slowing as Americans take a second look at the health attributes of fish.
Demand has also led to a rapidly developing aquaculture industry.
The aquaculture industry provides 60 to 70 jobs annually for the Nation.
They are also used in the aquaculture industry and as part of water-treatment systems.
An aquaculture industry has the potential to be large scale and extremely profitable.
They were introduced into China for the 1980s and are the basis of a vibrant aquaculture industry in that country.
Generators using this process are being marketed to the aquaculture industry.
This is a significant benefit for the urban aquaculture industry.
Over the last 20 years, the aquaculture industry has grown by more than 11 percent each year.
The research also has important consequences for the aquaculture industry and for the environment.