The Authority also commissions research into aquatic science and is a source of information on Australian freshwater biology.
In addition, four specialist faculties - informatics and virtual education, law, commerce and management, and aquatic science and technology - have been established there.
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences, no. 2120.
He is currently professor of aquatic and fishery science at the University of Washington.
Duluth is also a center for aquatic biology and aquatic science.
Education in the field of aquatic tropical science and capacity building in cooperation with scientific institutions in developing-countries.
Its subject interests include aquatic science, biochemistry, fisheries biology, fisheries management, food science, and marine science.
It covers research on all aspects of the aquatic sciences.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has become an integral part of aquatic science and limnology.
The program provides in-depth experiences in a wide variety of aquatic and environmentally related sciences.