The Center also provides aquatic therapy and swim lessons to the county's citizens for a low fee.
It opened its doors on July 18, 2007 and features aquatic and land-based therapies as well as MPTF's Center on Aging.
The center utilizes innovative activity-based therapies such as FES cycling, aquatic therapy, and partial weight supported walking to help patients regain sensation and feeling in their bodies.
The effect of aquatic therapy on postural balance and muscular strength in stroke survivors - a randomized controlled trial.
However, due to the cold sensitivities of people with fibromyalgia syndrome, aquatic therapy must take place in a warm pool.
The objectives for water body restoration or aquatic therapy can vary, depending on the priority.
Water flows similarly to a lazy river but because of the depth can be used for aquatic therapy and swimming or walking against the current.
The county should first try to draw more revenue with untried attractions like aquatic therapy and swim dance teams, she said, adding that she was confident that the aquatic center could at least break even.
Note that aquatic therapy, as defined by the AMA, is not "tied" to a single profession.
Baptist Sports Medicine combines several services under its umbrella, including general orthopedics, physical therapy, aquatic therapy, athletic medicine and occupational therapy.