A 50-μm argon laser spot is aimed at the trabecular meshwork to stimulate opening of the mesh to allow more outflow of aqueous fluid.
Spent fluids can be separated into organic and aqueous fluid by adding chemicals.
Most importantly, all of the rocks in Columbia Hills show various degrees of alteration due to aqueous fluids.
A surgical goniotomy involves cutting the fibers of the trabecular meshwork to allow aqueous fluid to flow more freely from the eye.
The patterns (similar to Liesegang rings) develop during diagenesis due to periodic rhythmic precipitation of iron hydroxides from oxidizing aqueous fluids restricted laterally by calcite filled joints.
Within the membrane is an aqueous fluid called the stroma.
It reduces intraocular pressure by increasing the outflow of aqueous fluid from the eyes.
It is a synthetic prostaglandin analog (or more specifically, an analog of prostaglandin F) that works by increasing the outflow of aqueous fluid from the eyes.
It is conducted by forcing an aqueous fluid up the fallopian tube to provide a contrast medium for ultrasound.
The volume of water escaping from within and beneath the forearc results in some of Earth's most dynamic and complex interactions between aqueous fluids and rocks.