He was a handsome, aristocratic man with a pronounced aquiline profile, a finely formed mouth, and dark, almost gypsy eyes.
Paul moved up beside her, studied the aquiline profile as they walked.
He had a long face and an aquiline profile.
But you'd always played up your own rather outre physique: the long hair, the aquiline profile, the unmistakable carriage.
His aquiline profile was silhouetted by the sunlight flooding through the blinds.
Should you encounter the real deal, it's probably best to compliment her aquiline profile, steer clear of any potions and be on your way.
He had Oriane's colouring and black curls, with his father's aquiline profile.
A tall man with a courtly manner and an aquiline, sooty profile, he had been a chimney sweep for twenty years.
One face was that of a bearded man with an aquiline profile and a conical hat.
His aquiline profile was rather carefully turned toward Jocelyn.