Though the long beaches of Southeast were fertile, supporting many fishing and farming communities, the arable area was a mere strip along the sea.
Forest burning was used to increase the arable area, but also provided fertilizer, as the ashes lasted in that capacity for several seasons.
The expedition wanted to establish if it was possible to acquire arable areas in Natal that could have been successfully farmed.
Almost at once a rapid shrinkage of the arable area began.
Beef premium, suckler cow payment and arable area will be monitored this year.
Just under half the arable area was grazed and when added to the permanent grass area this made a total of 5,700 ha.
Lord Iveagh agreed to increase the arable area as requested.
"There are large, arable areas that have apparently never been settled," Picard said.
In comparison to 2000, the average total arable area has increased by at least 40% to 21.8 ha.
Over the last ten years, the total arable area has remained relatively stable (-3%).