It is good farming land because of its arable soil.
In turn, the producer benefits by healthier yields and more arable soil for future crops.
Some parts had arable soil, however, producing excellent farms and prosperous farmers.
To that end, plentiful water and arable soil are paramount considerations.
The land left when the marshes were drained is very rich black, arable soil.
The river valley has rich, arable soil, which makes this region the most fertile in the province.
He wanted drill-holes in the arable soil down to the depth at which the holes began to close up of themselves.
Such nutrients as were present in arable soils at the onset of European agriculture quickly became exhausted.
The three landowners own about 10 percent of the arable soil in the state: 450,000 acres in all.
Deep, arable soils lie across this flat plain, which rarely exceeds 200m above sea level.