Market sources report that the decision to change the plan so as to eliminate this arbitrage opportunity was made on Monday night.
This created an obvious arbitrage opportunity, and the coins were withdrawn in 1725.
If, on its own, borrowing more created value, then an arbitrage opportunity would arise between the two sorts of security.
After allowing for transactions costs, he concluded that very few arbitrage opportunities remained.
The suggested explanations for the existence of arbitrage opportunities can be divided into two groups.
Interest rate swaps are also very popular due to the arbitrage opportunities they provide.
But those foreign phone fees are coming down, partly as a result of global trade agreements, and the arbitrage opportunity is fading.
Investment banks, which are often active in many markets around the world, constantly watch for arbitrage opportunities.
The individual would work on technical models of arbitrage opportunities.
(This is a further reason why such arbitrage opportunities are available only rarely).