What is more, digital laissez-faire seems to be applied arbitrarily.
The system of military justice that applies in the occupied territories has long been a matter of dispute, with Palestinians charging that it is arbitrarily applied.
"The standard in question is totally vague and arbitrary, and it was applied to me arbitrarily," Mr. Usher said.
On the other hand, the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment highlights the fact that quantum coherence cannot be arbitrarily applied to macroscopic situations.
Each neurosis is unique, and different things work in different cases, so no therapeutic method can be arbitrarily applied.
Opponents said the law, while limited in scope, would be widely misinterpreted and arbitrarily applied.
But some members have begun to chafe at its definition of civility, or at least the way it seems sometimes arbitrarily applied.
According to Kimmerling the term has been arbitrarily applied to any research on Israeli history, society or politics that was critical or perceived to be critical.
Foreign reporters have frequently complained that regulations regarding the defense establishment are vague and arbitrarily applied.
Leadline is never applied arbitrarily, but is always expressive of the individual gesture, the unique form, yet indissolubly part of a work's overall rhythm.