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In the past, agencies arbitrarily decided what information to post on their Web sites.
It's a privilege to live here, but then the council can come along and decide quite arbitrarily to dig it all up.
Yet Congress arbitrarily decided four years ago that half of its international support for microfinance should go to the very poorest people around the world.
But critics say that such tests can be used to justify any conclusion which the judge might arbitrarily decide upon.
He'd left once before when she'd begged him to stay-he couldn't arbitrarily decide to come back now.
Or some official may arbitrarily decide to ruin one family or another.
Controlled by a small group of men who arbitrarily decide where the millions will be allocated.
But-it would have been nice if someone had asked him before they arbitrarily decided to give the job to Amberdrake.
The humans had arbitrarily decided which pods they'd open first: tools, blankets,.
It is important that emission costs should not be decided arbitrarily on the basis of reductions and unclear principles.