The last Vogt of the Abbey in the County of Toggenburg, Karl von Müller-Friedberg, had arbitrarily dismissed the counts of Toggenburg in independence on January 1.
Critics had said that faculty members were dismissed arbitrarily and that the school was unduly controlled by a single family.
As explained by Anthony J. Giambruno, the county's personnel officer, most of the teamsters have some Civil Service job protection, which would prevent them from being dismissed and replaced arbitrarily.
When Saddam Hussein grabbed Kuwait last August he claimed that the British who took responsibility for the area after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire had arbitrarily dismissed Iraq's historical right to rule it.
However, the government was arbitrarily dismissed and all leaders except Bhashani eventually submitted to the West Pakistani decision-makers, including A. K. Fazlul Huq and Shahid Suhrawardy.
He was arbitrarily dismissed the morning after the successful poll and then published Le Chevallier à découvert (Laurens, Paris), a strongly suggestive and humorous book some months later.
In England and Wales, judges in superior courts cannot be arbitrarily dismissed by the executive, instead serving whilst in "good behaviour".
Licensing takes over 2 years to process before revenue can be recognised or is arbitrarily dismissed and rejected by the police.
Galo Plaza endorsed such democratic guarantees as freedom of the press and the freedom of opponents to voice their opinions, to assemble for political purposes without fear of being jailed or worse, and to be elected to the legislature without fear of being defrauded or arbitrarily dismissed.
In 1917, New York City teachers became the first to win tenure, which protects workers from being arbitrarily dismissed because of political or personal views.