In this manner, it is possible to construct maps that require an arbitrarily high number of colors.
The screen buffer could be slightly wider than the screen and arbitrarily high, subject to video memory limitations.
All three of these families have arbitrarily high degree.
A contrasting approach to testing is to identify and reward persistence more than an arbitrarily high level of expertise.
On the other hand, the Shannon entropy can be arbitrarily high for a random variable that has a constant min-entropy.
You get a rocket with arbitrarily high exhaust velocity!
The product of n nilpotent elements may be nonzero for arbitrarily high n.
Thus there are random sequences of arbitrarily high Turing degree.
Sidi's method allows for interpolation with an arbitrarily high degree polynomial.
The commission has also moved to push down the arbitrarily high rates that foreign telephone companies charge for connecting international calls.