By conservation of energy the speed of motion of the body along an arbitrary curve does not depend on the horizontal displacement.
Need to be able to run text against an arbitrary curve (though some implementation support SVG, which can be used to get around this limitation).
That is, suppose instead of following a straight line to the boundary, we follow an arbitrary curve converging to some point on the boundary.
A jigsaw is a tool used for cutting arbitrary curves, such as stenciled designs or other custom shapes, into a piece of wood, metal, or other material.
In a two-dimensional linear system, the nullclines can be represented by two lines on a two-dimensional plot; in a general two-dimensional system they are arbitrary curves.
In the FTA C[0, 1] of curves, instead of e we shall take an arbitrary curve , a loop at 1.
We could, however, draw an arbitrary curve along the cylinder, defined by some function θ(x), where x measures distance along the axis of the cylinder.
The motivation here is that one way to sample a point uniformly from within an arbitrary curve is first to draw thin uniform-height horizontal slices across the whole curve.
He also used this technique on the Dirichlet divisor problem, allowing him to estimate the number of integer points under an arbitrary curve.
Early video synthesiser technologists concerned themselves with achieving arbitrary curves not limited by film chemistry.