But numbers were a mystery arcane, and she struggled with the youngest of the children to comprehend what they meant.
He spent his youth in Provence where three generations of his family had already devoted themselves to the arcane mysteries of perfume business.
Mel, whose credit system is an arcane mystery, is a performer, a showman to a dwindling house.
Sailing seemed almost magical to him, an arcane and bewildering mystery.
Neither Illyra nor Dubro had mastered the arcane mysteries of script.
The priests found their way through the dark labyrinth by wall-reading, an arcane mystery in which Yuli was soon to be initiated.
'Are you mocking the arcane mysteries of elemental magic?'
My mother could pull off a turkey, but stuffing remained an arcane, insoluble mystery.
The word was spoken as if it were part of a mystery too arcane to be rapidly solved.