It will be embroidered with arcane references to "functional subsidiarisation" and "macro-prudential regulation".
My kids used to explain the inner plots and arcane references, but they grew up and moved on, leaving me clueless.
"His poems are direct, accessible and free of the arcane references or pretentious language that can make poetry feel elitist."
The text contains arcane references familiar only to specialists.
For example, each hour of the show once opened with an arcane reference.
The work is filled with lists, like the Mikado's list of punishments, containing some arcane references that were topical in their day.
Many have noted that the article includes several arcane references.
He would not specify what he would do, but it's likely that, which explained his educated and arcane references, may have less work to do.
And it's easy to get lost amid arcane references to old feuds and grievances, legal and otherwise.
- an arcane reference to the great Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure.