Defence can be an arcane subject, but every 15-year-old schoolboy should be able to understand why it matters.
Campaign finance is an arcane and confusing subject, filled with unspoken understandings.
Earth geography was an arcane subject, to say the least.
I'm just a humble professor of an arcane subject not in vogue these days.
She traveled around the country, mastering arcane subjects that often related to safety issues.
But New York readers, she said, are also different in expecting their demands to be met, however arcane the subject.
Richard Hendel describes book design as "an arcane subject" and refers to the need for a context to understand what that means.
No matter that few are going to read it, given its arcane subject.
But his testimony fleshed out a slender record consisting primarily of state court opinions on arcane subjects.
But how, then, does an ordinary citizen get a handle on this vast and, let's face it, arcane subject?