In 1864 Smyth published a six-hundred-page book expounding his theories, and it caused an uproar in archaeological circles for years afterwards.
Starfleet's discovery of the new artifact," he continued, "was widely reported in archaeological circles.
He became known over time among archaeological circles for his cap, which rarely left him.
Some of the artifacts he has uncovered have produced great excitement in religious and archaeological circles, and have caused allegations of fraud and forgery.
Word of the supposed burial box of James caused a big stir in archaeological circles two years ago, with some experts giving credence to its authenticity and others expressing doubts.
The incident became one of the biggest scandals in archaeological circles in Japan after the story was published by the Mainichi Shinbun on November 5, 2000.
The archaeological site of Hisarlik is known in archaeological circles as a tell.
The discovery of this celt caused a stir in archaeological circles.
This probably won't rate very highly in archaeological circles but I'm rather pleased about it.
That will create a fame for Threllvon-da far beyond his archaeological circles.