Archaeologists have found no evidence suggesting earlier settlements and menehune legends are simply not mentioned or discussed in current archaeological literature.
The terms "hill fort", "hill-fort" and "hillfort" are all used in the archaeological literature.
The kanjetar is considered as a Harappan port on the mid saurashtra by the archaeological literature.
This is also referred to as "Zakro" in archaeological literature.
To publish archaeological literature and site reports.
These early inhabitants are known in the archaeological literature as the Alby People.
Because they seem to be male figures, they have been termed "potbellies" in the archaeological literature.
This book is an important contribution to the archaeological literature of southern Africa.
Knowing little of the archaeological literature, he assumed that someone else must have made the same observation years earlier and come to the same conclusion.
However in archaeological literature, there are some possible indications of past marine inundation events.