The site in Bloomsbury has recently been identified archaeologically as that occupied by the Chadwick Building, part of University College London.
Kuksu has been identified archaeologically by the discovery of underground dance rooms and wooden dance drums.
However, experts do not agree with this explanation, as 36 forts cannot be archaeologically identified in this region.
The newcomers are identified archaeologically because of a distinct material culture, known as the Philia Culture.
Archaeologically identified dwelling-sites in Latgale include hill forts, settlements and lake dwellings.
While the causeway ends 1.5 km before reaching Williamsburg, a footpath has been archaeologically identified that may extend the rest of the way connecting these sites.
Two clear phases of occupation were identified archaeologically, perhaps occasioned by a change of garrison during the Antonine period.
It is also unclear as to which of the archaeologically identified Horus-kings corresponds to Weneg.
Egyptologists and historians have had great difficulty linking Hudjefa I to any archaeologically identified ruler.
However, as of the 2000s (decade), the Getic fort was not archaeologically identified.